MINUTES - REGULAR BOARD MEETING - May 15, 2017 The regular meeting of the Reedsville Board of education was called to order at 6:29 PM by Board Vice President Andrew Maertz. Present: Board members - Andrew Maertz, Todd Schneider, Vicki Petska and Carie Boldt. Administrative team members - Tony Butturini, Michael Nate, Joe Cook and Ryan McCulley. Others -Becky O’Leary, Al Schuh, Hunter Schamburek, Nicole Klug, Lisa Collins, Jess Schuh, Chad Dvorachek, Mark Saenger, Daniel Hansen, Kory Lorrigan, Chad Willems, Beau Dvorachek, Josh O’Hearn, Gerald Laabs, Brianna Laabs, Kris Klug, Melisa Schamburek, Diane O’Hearn, Amy Lorrigan, Paul Saenger, Jodi Haese, Karen Bowers, Wade Kasper, Kathy Kasper, Riley Kasper, Daniel Kocourek, Don Kocourek, Rick Lorrigan and Ellie Webster. Mr. Andrew Maertz announced that proper legal notice of the meeting had been given. 1. Opening 1. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Andrew Maertz 2. Motion by Vicki Petska, seconded by Carie Boldt to approve the agenda. All ayes. Motion approved. 1. Youth Apprenticeship recognition 2. Public Input - none 3. Discussion items 1. Financial Information for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 budgets 1. Discussion/Action Items 1. Motion to accept payment of bills made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Todd Schneider. Andrew Maertz abstained. Motion carried. 2. Motion to approve minutes from the May 3 special meeting made by VIcki Petska and seconded by Carie Boldt. All ayes. Motion carried. 3. Engineering bids tabled until bids come back. 4. Motion to approve open enrollment requests in and out of the district for non-special education students made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Motion carried. 5. Motion to approve the Wisconsin Educators Risk Management Cooperative made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Todd Schneider. All ayes. Motion carried. 6. Motion to decline special education open enrollment into the district made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Motion carried. 7. Motion to approve the school lunch prices for the 2017-2018 school year made by Vicki Petska, seconded by Carie Boldt. All ayes. Motion carried. 8. Motion to approve school fees for the 2017-2018 year with an increase in Drivers Ed fees to $225 made by Vicki Petska, seconded by Todd Schneider. All ayes. Motion carried. 9. Motion to keep sub pay the same for the 2017-2018 school year was made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Todd Schneider. 3-1 vote. Motion carried. 10. Motion to accept a staff retirement made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Motion carried. The district would like to thank the staff member for their service to the district. 11. Motion to accept the resignation of Jeanette Schuessler made by Vicki Petska, seconded by Carie Boldt. All ayes. Motion carried. The district would like to thank Jeanette for her service to the district. 12. Motion to accept a retirement insurance request made by Vicki Petska, seconded by Carie Boldt. All ayes. Motion carried. 13. Motion to accept the 2017-2018 Board meeting calendar with the change of WASB Regional meeting to September 27 and moving the May 21 meeting to May 16 for the Youth Apprenticeship presentation made by Vicki Petska, seconded by Todd Schneider. All ayes. Motion carried. 1. Reports 1. District Administrator/High School Principal-1. Thank you to Ryan McCulley 2. Evening of Excellence 3. Graduation 4. Thank you to Jamie Brown & Melissa Wiese 5. Open Enrollment committee 6. Congrats to music department 2. Elementary/Middle School Principal-1. Enrollment 2. Chromebooks 3. Grant update 4. Summer school 5. Congrats to music department 6. Grandparents day 3. Director of Special Education-1. SE open enrollment 2. Tara Rice 3. Green Bay CP Center 4. Indicator 8 audit 4. Dean of Students/Athletic Director-1. Forensics state results 2. Solo & ensemble state results 3. WIAA annual meeting 4. Coaching recommendations 5. Panther sports complex 5. Board Members -1. 1. Adjourn into Closed Session at 7:50 PM. According to SS 19.85 (1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. (litigation and staffing). The Reedsville Board of Education reserves the right to return to open session. Motion made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Todd Schneider. All ayes. Motion carried. 2. Return to Open Session at 9:04 PM - motion made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Vicki Petska . All ayes. Motion carried. 3. Motion to adjourn made at 9:05 PM by Vicki Petska , seconded by Todd Schneider. All ayes. Motion carried, meeting adjourned. __________________________ Vicki Petska, Clerk