MINUTES - REGULAR BOARD MEETING - June 18, 2018 The regular meeting of the Reedsville Board of education was called to order at 6:28 PM by Board President Andrew Maertz. Present: Board members - Andrew Maertz, Vicki Petska, Rick Hein, Todd Schneider and Carie Boldt. Administrative team members - Tony Butturini, Michael Nate, and Ryan McCulley. Others: Denise DeMeyer, Al Peters, Amy Hein and Becky O’Leary. Mr. Andrew Maertz called the meeting to order at 6:30 and announced that proper legal notice of the meeting had been given. 1. Opening 1. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Andrew Maertz 2. Motion to approve agenda made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Todd Schneider. Motion carried. 1. Public Input - Al Peters thanked everyone for naming the gym after him. 2. Discussion items 1. Employment announcements - JV1 boys basketball, Ron Prochnow; JV2 boys basketball, Beau Dvorachek. Resignations-7th/8th grade girls basketball, Kelly Salm; food service, Linda Anhalt. Thank you to Linda for your years of service to the district. 2. Financial update - Information of recent purchases 1. Discussion/Action Items 1. Motion to accept payment of bills made by Vicki Petska, seconded by Carie Boldt. Andrew and Todd abstained. Motion carried 3-0. 2. Motion to approve minutes from the May 16 regular and closed session meeting made by Rick Hein and seconded by Todd Schneider. All ayes. Motion carried. 3. Motion to accept 2018-19 board meeting schedule made by Carie Boldt and seconded by Rick Hein. All ayes. Motion carried. 4. Motion to accept the 2018-19 CESA 7 contract made by Rick Hein and seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Motion carried. 5. Motion to accept the new agriculture education teaching position made by Rick Hein and seconded by Carie Boldt. All ayes. Motion carried. 6. Motion to accept the 2018-19 fees (no increase from 2017-2018) made by Todd Schneider and seconded by Carie Boldt. All ayes. Motion carried. 1. Reports 1. District Administrator/High School Principal-1. Graduation 2. August newsletter 3. United Way meeting 4. Auditors 5. Baird meeting with wrestling club on July 9 at 2:00 PM. 2. Elementary/Middle School Principal-1. Summer school 2. TEACH grant 3. REAP grant 4. Nursing report 5. End of year 6. Summer work 3. Director of Special Education-1. Mental health training 2. Mental health coordination 3. Counseling services 4. Therapy dog 5. Summer evaluation 4. Dean of Students/Athletic Director-1. Panther sports complex 5. Board Members -1. Andrew discussed the WASB meeting 1. Adjourn into Closed Session at 7:33 PM. According to SS 19.85 (1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. (personnel, food service compensation). The Reedsville Board of Education reserves the right to return to open session. Motion made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Todd Schneider. All ayes. Motion carried. 2. Motion to adjourn at 8:35 PM made by Todd Schneider and seconded by Carie Boldt. All ayes. Motion carried. __________________________ Vicki Petska, Clerk