MINUTES - REGULAR BOARD MEETING - March 18, 2019 The regular meeting of the Reedsville Board of education was called to order at 6:30 PM by Board President Andrew Maertz. Present: Board members - Andrew Maertz, Vicki Petska, Rick Hein, Todd Schneider and Carie Boldt. Administrative team members - Tony Butturini, Michael Nate, Joe Cook, and Ryan McCulley. Others: John Ebert, Bob Ebert, Tricia Hynek, Brennan Hynek, Mike Boldt, Joy Spatchek, Kris Hanson, Gina Meshak, Debbie Nate, Amy Hein, Becky O’Leary. Mr. Andrew Maertz called the meeting to order at 6:30 and announced that proper legal notice of the meeting had been given. 1. Opening 1. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Andrew Maertz 2. Motion to approve agenda with addition of adding sunshine account to activity accounts made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Vicki Petska. Motion carried. 1. Public Input 1. Kris Hanson - thank you to the board for including staff members in the many committees. John Ebert - wanting an update from Finance and Facilities committees, in support of wrestling room, requesting another middle school wrestling coach 1. Discussion items 1. Employment announcements - Katie Janssen (resignation); Doug Kufalk (JV baseball), Lauren Holschbach (JV softball), Monica Haelfrisch & Kayla Wendland (MS track), Kris Hanson (Girls assistant track), Ben Krull (Boys assistant track) 2. Facilities committee - Rick Hein gave an update from the last meeting which was a tour of the high school 3. Finance committee - Information given to the board on the impact of the tax law changes with regard to property tax payments and the impact on when the money is received by the school district 4. Information: Notice of School Board Election Incumbent: Carie Boldt 2018-2019 Election Timetable April 2-Spring election April 22-School board member takes office 1. Discussion/Action Items 1. Motion to accept payment of bills made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Rick Hein. Andrew abstained. Motion carried 4-0. 2. Motion to approve minutes from the February 18 regular session, closed session meeting and the March 13 special meeting made by Rick Hein and seconded by Carie Boldt. All ayes. Motion carried. 3. Motion to approve the second reading of policy updates 1130, 3230, 4230, 1400, 3120.01, 4120.01, 1422, 2260, 3122, 4122, 5517, 1662, 3362, 4362, 2270, 2420, 2270.01, 3120, 3139, 3140, 3143, 5111, 5113, 5114, 5341, 5512, 5724, 6150, 6220, 6235, 6440, 6520, 8330, 9130, 9150, 6320 made by Todd Schneider, seconded by Rick Hein. All ayes. Motion carried. 4. Fitness Center access was discussed but no action was taken. 5. Motion to approve a sports participation request (hockey co-op) made by Rick Hein, seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Motion carried. 6. Leave April board meeting as is. 7. Motion to approve closing the high school and elementary sunshine accounts and adding them to the activity accounts made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Todd Schneider. All ayes. Motion carried. 8. Motion to accept Debbie Nate’s retirement as 5th grade teacher made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Motion carried. The administration and board thanks Debbie for all she has done. 9. Motion to accept teacher contracts made by Rick Hein, seconded by Vicki Petska. Andrew abstained. Motion carried. 1. Reports 1. District Administrator/High School Principal-1. Camera Corner 2. Legislative meeting 3. Web page 4. NHS induction 5. Senior class play 2. Elementary/Middle School Principal-1. Enrollment 2. REAP grant 3. TEACH grant 4. Evaluations 5. 2019-20 scheduling 6. WTI conference 7. Read Across America 8. Summer school 9. Forward testing 3. Director of Special Education-1. Staff reduction 2. K-8 SE staff 4. Dean of Students/Athletic Director-1. Employment announcement 2. Sports participation request 3. Athletic budgets 4. Solo/ensemble 5. Robotics 6. HS lock in 7. Winter sports awards 5. Board Members -1. Andrew reported on the upcoming WASB meeting in April with the Governor 1. Adjourn into closed session at 7:14 PM. According to SS 19.85 (1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility (staffing). The Reedsville Board of Education reserves the right to return to open session. Motion made by Carie Boldt, seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Motion carried. 2. Motion to adjourn at 8:26 PM made by Todd Schneider, seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Motion carried. __________________________ Vicki Petska, Clerk